Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I hate to be the cynic (as I usually am) and say I told you so, but... We've been overspending in this country for too long. Our longing for over indulgence simply to increase status has caught up with us. The system finally put it's foot down and said, "NO MORE, now it's time to pay!!"

Unfortunately our friendly neighborhood government seems to think that spending will solve the problem. Unfortunately again spending will only prolong our suffering. The only way out is to suck it up and sleep in the beds we've made. Pay back the debt! Then maybe in 10 or 20 years we'll have another chance to f*ck it up all over again.

But it's all good. These are the times that we innovate. These are the times to make money. As they say, when times are good save save save, when times are bad spend spend spend! In other words, save when "things" are at a premium and spend when everyone else is trying to get rid of shit in order to survive. If you're smart, you'll get rich!

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