Sunday, February 22, 2009


"The banking industry provided home loans to undocumented immigrants, viewing it as an untapped resource for growing their own revenue stream." - Wikipedia.

Why are we expecting the government to fix this? If there are banks giving loans to illegals, why don't we find out who those banks are and boycott them? What, are we to busy managing our own greed and materialism to bother? Take this issue into your own hands. Cancel accounts at banks whom you know to have proliferated this illegal activity. Let them know of your dissatisfaction. Do you honestly trust the government enough to stick it to the corporate aristocracy? I don't! We have the power, grow some balls and use it!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Love is the extremely difficult realization that something other then oneself is real.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For Christ sake!?!

The kids now a days have no imagination of their own; retro cars, movie remakes, even the fashion isn't their own. Well except for the kids who walk around holding their pants up, that's just ignorant. Even leisure suits weren't that bad.

About misspelling..

I think people are way to anal. It's about the opinions being expressed not the manner in which they're expressed. To assume a person or their opinion is flawed in some way simply because they can't spell is "poisoning the well". And, if people can't understand the meaning when 'there' is misspelled 'their' in a sentence they have much bigger problems then the misspeller. Then again, maybe they just get a rush from being better then everyone else. *shrug*

But.. technology abound, I find it hard to believe the medium being used doesn't have a spell checker. Failure to accept that one can't spell and use the tools available is quite ignorant.